George J. Martinez

President and CEO Texas Air - Board of governors Air Club 2000


Mr. Martinez is an airline pilot and with type ratings on the B747, B757, B767 and L1011 Aircraft.  His background covers worldwide operations with scheduled, charter and ACMI contracts. He has been employed with the FAA S.W. region  and during his tenure with the FAA was assigned as Area Officer for the OKC System, developed routes and redesigned airspace for air carriers, military and general aviation, wrote letters of agreement between facilities and incorporated changes with the NAS computer system. He made recommendations to both the facility chiefs as well as the Southwest Region directors.  He is a South Texas native born and raised in Laredo, Texas.  He developed and managed of one of the original air taxi operations in Laredo, Gateway Aviation, now Aero Center, when service began in the early 1970’s at the original Laredo International airport. He was instrumental in startup and contract operations with Air India, Aer Turas/Student Travel Service contracts from the U.S. East coast to the Caribbean, Air Mauritius, Royal Jordanian, and Orient Thai hajj operations among others.  He is a graduate of Texas A&M University with degrees in Mathematics and Physics.