Antonio Jenkins Lara
Chief Financial Officer Texas Air
Antonio Jenkins-Lara holds a Masters degree in Finance with post-graduate studies in Economics. He has taught Banking, Accounting, Economics, Finance, and Investments courses at American and Panamanian universities. Professor Jenkins-Lara was a logistics specialist for the US Army in Europe and served as a logistics instructor at the US Army Logistics School in Fort Lee, Virginia.
Antonio is a financial consultant with extensive experience structuring international tax planning transactions and providing tax haven financial support services. He provided logistics support services in the War on Drugs throughout the US Southern Command area of operations from 1992 to 1999.
Jenkins-Lara has written extensively in financial areas and has participated as a speaker in a variety of symposia and conferences. He recently published the book titled "Money Laundering, Tax Havens & Illegal Schemes," with the corresponding Spanish version "Lavado de Dinero, Paraísos Fiscales y Transacciones Dudosas."