Richard D. Neumann
Air Club 2000 Board of Governors - Air Travel Club Operations
Mr. Newmann is a former airline executive (large irregular, supplemental and intrastate scheduled airlines) and has held executive management positions at major international airlines. His background covers all phases of scheduled, charter and military contract operations. He provides management, technical assistance and support programs to start-up airlines and provides a reference source for Lockheed Aircraft manuals, service bulletins and related technical materials on out of production aircraft. He is a former Executive Director of the Southern California Aviation Council, Inc. (SCACI,) a quasi private funded public corporation which worked with the southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and was a technical consultant to Aeromaritime Inc., which marketed for European aerospace and governments to U.S. industry. In 1968-1969 he was instrumental in assisting in the development of a feasibility study for Thomas Wolfe for intrastate start-up (Air California.) Mr. Neumann is particularly well versed in the rules and regulations covering air travel club operations and security requirements.